Friday, July 16, 2010

John - Age 23, Michigan

I thought it would be fun to participate in Kelly's "Show Us Your Life" Friday by introducing my single younger brother, John.  Because he lives right around the corner from us, we are lucky to spend lots of time with him!  My two daughters, Ava and Emma, absolutely adore their "Uncle John" and love that he visits so often to read a book, give a treat, or wrestle on the floor.  He's a wonderful uncle to his nieces and nephew!
John also enjoys spending time outdoors.  If he's not with family, he's probably on a boat fishing, hunting during deer season, goose season, and whatever other "hunting seasons" there can possibly be!  In the summers, he spends all of his time working on my cousins' farm, along with my husband.  During the fall and winter, he's been taking classes and still determining what career he hopes to pursue.  

Though he's my younger brother, I admire and respect him so much for how much he's grown, emotionally and spiritually, over the years!  He's an amazing person, who we continually pray will find an equally amazing woman to spend his life with some day!  If interested, please leave your info in a comment.